2.1 - Training and management equipment

Here is a list and explanation of equipment we'll use for training as well as prevention management during the course. If you are unsure what to get or need help choosing the right brand of something, head to the comments section below.


Summary of useful equipment:

Training equipment:

  • Treat pouch for walks

  • Treat jars for around the house

  • Dry treats for around the house e.g. ZiwiPeak, liver, chicken jerky - 0.5 cm pieces. You can also use their normal food if it works, or mix it together with treats.

  • High value fresh treats for distracting situations e.g. cooked chicken, cheese (small amounts), ZiwiPeak tripe flavour, 4legs - 0.5cm pieces.

  • A clicker, or you can use verbal version as shown in the 'Clicker training' lesson

  • Small mat you can move around the house, or several comfy bathmats.

  • Flat collar and lead, or harness and lead. Do not use a choker/slip collar, extendable lead or head halter.

Management equipment:

  • Playpen or toddler gate

  • Comfy dog bed

  • Kong classic (larger sizes to fit full meal in - just make sure their jaw can't get stuck in it)

  • Range of other commercial food puzzles, or cardboard boxes, egg cartons etc as shown in the 'Enrichment' lesson

  • Dog toys e.g. rope toy, ball, squeaky toy, chew toys"

Robert HayComment