2.5 - Puppy Pushups (Sit, Drop, Stand) How to teach your puppy any new body position

This series of three videos will show you how to teach Sit, Drop and Stand step-by-step. But you can use the same method to teach your puppy to get off the sofa, go into a crate, roll over…anything where them to move their body in response to a word or hand signal from you.

Part 1. Luring your puppy

Here is a fun and super useful little training goal. It will help you get your puppy to move their body the right way all by themselves. This means they learn fast, bite your hands less and enjoy training. It also helps you to switch from food to hand signals later on. This short video shows you the simple method and some examples. I'd love to see you trying these or your own ideas in the Facebook forum before you move on to Part 2 below. Watch to the end to see the reason I might demonstrate with a dachshund next time…


PART 2. Puppy Pushups: Sit, Drop, Stand

This lesson will give you three useful body positions (sit, drop and stand). It includes a little training goal which will really help you and your puppy nail your luring skills, Puppy Pushups: Sit Drop Sit Stand Drop Stand. To get help or show me when you're done, just film and post in the Facebook forum. Then you can move on to Part 3 below. Have fun! And thanks to my clever little friends Argo and Winston for their great help with this lesson.


PART 3. Teaching Your Puppy Some Words

Hope you've been doing your pushups. Now it's time to get the treats out of our hands. When we get proper cues happening, we can start asking for things when our hands are full, through doors or at a distance. Post some pushups videos in the Facebook forum - I can't wait to see them!

Robert HayComment