1.1 - Welcome and Puppy Manual
First a big thankyou for letting me help raise your puppy. It is normal to have a few lows along the way, but it is also great fun - and a long friendship with a dog is well worth any teething problems! The video below will introduce you to the course material.
You’ll see there is a discussion forum below each lesson where you can post comments and questions. I’ll do my best to answer as quickly as I can. You are also welcome to join the Virtual Puppies private Facebook group by clicking here. In the Facebook group you can post training or trouble footage for my feedback, share something cute or funny, make playdates with other members or trade secondhand equipment.
Before we get started, please download our written (PDF) Puppy Manual. You are welcome to print this, then watch the videos for practical training skills, demos and a bit more info on some of these topics. Enjoy the videos and I’ll look forward to chatting with you in the forum.